So, apparently it has been just over a month since my last post. I think the first couple of weeks of my "mini-break", I didn’t do any sewing at all, but the last couple of weeks I have actually gotten quite a bit done. If you don’t believe me, you should see my house! Fabric, thread, and other quilting paraphernalia seem to have overtaken the entire first floor. Which – I might add – I should be cleaning up right now as my daughter has a friend coming to visit from Arkansas tomorrow afternoon. But, at least with this post I have a chance to show my August needlepoint teapot mini before August is long gone.

I finished the half hexagon quilt for my daughter and within a week, my friend, Karen Walker, completed the quilting on her long arm. Binding was completed by hand over two days, and the quilt has been washed and dried to crinkly, quilty goodness.

And I would like to thank Aneela (comfortstitching) for inspiration and encouragement and Rita (Red Pepper Quilts) for expert binding advice.
For the backing, we managed to find this yummy Kaffe Fassett print (before finding this gem, we didn't seem to be able to agree on anything), which looks like it was made for this quilt!

I also whipped out two pillowcases. They are my first – so never mind that they are slightly different lengths. Okay – a little more than slightly. But it’s a good start.

I’ve also been playing around with pillow tops for four throw pillows, but I’ll leave those for another day, so I’ll still have something to post this month. And I stilll have three more quilt tops (including the two quilt tops in my banner above) finished that need backs, so I can get them to Karen for quilting! I just love finishing projects. But, then again, starting new projects is pretty exciting too!
With wishes, true and kind -- Joan