But first:
Thank you to Shasta, the High Road Quilter, for her Ten Best Posts Today Award. Head on over and check out her other links. I'm honored, Shasta.
Also, please note the new button in my sidebar. I am now a proud member of the Portland Modern Quilt Guild. Our fearless leader is Elizabeth of Oh, Fransson (you probably already follow her blog, and if not, you will), and she is working on a great meeting place for us so we can hold our first meeting. More about that later, but in the meantime you can check out the PMQG link. I also have a button for The Modern Quilt Guild, and they are springing up all over. Look for your city on the right sidebar of the site and click on the link!
I have been doing a little bit of sewing each night this week. I am doing "something" for "someone" and can't say what or who just yet, but I'm having fun with my Jennifer Paganelli stash!
And now to that giveaway! I have been an extremely frugal quilter lately -- trying to make do with fabrics in my stash, only buying fabrics on sale, etc. And I haven't bought any new tools or gadgets for a long, loooooooong time. So, to win a set of 4 fabulous Amy Butler Love fat quarters...
...tell me about your favorite quilting tool or gadget. I'll start things off, but since I don't really have any of the latest tools/gadgets, here are some other things that "enhance" my sewing experience:
Riedel "O" stemless wine glasses (they don't tip over -- really). Fine, thin crystal, providing that little bit of elegance that I thought I would miss without the stem. Of course, this is for late afternoon and evening sewing.
For early Saturday morning quilting I recommend a latte served in Spode Blue Italian.
Now that you have your beverage of choice, put on your favorite music or pop in a DVD and light a Thymes Frasier Fir candle:

These wonders are definitely not just for Christmas! Some pine or fir scented candles have a harshness to them, but these are pure bliss and put me in my happy place as fast as anything. To me they do smell like Christmas, yes, but also like summer in the woods, camping, the yards of some of the homes I have lived in. They smell like home to me. If you have an extra $26 just burning a hole in your pocket, try one. And if you don't like it, sent it to me! I'm all out!
My last quilting tool/accessory is any quick and easy meal (made at home or from a restaurant) so that I can hurry up and get sewing! Hmmmm. That sounds like a post for another day.
Anyway, leave me a suggestion below, and maybe next time I will share a few actual quilting tools. I'll draw a winner Monday night.
With wishes, true and kind -- Joan