It started out so well...
6" squares of a variety of Kaffe Fassett fabrics, paired light with dark.
Lines drawn, ready for sewing...
Sewn 1/4 inch to each side of line, cut apart, and pressed...
Ready for some trimming...
Nothing like the perfect tool for the job -- a 5-1/2" square ruler.
Oh, the possibilities!
Starting to lay it all out on the design wall, and looking good so far...
Initial layout completed. It was a little harder than I thought, and I couldn't seem to get far enough away at times. I had to keep backing up to get a good look at the design, and....
It's just okay. I want to be in love with it, but I'm not. I finished fairly late yesterday evening and decided to get another look at it the next day with better lighting, but I left for work while it was still dark and came home late because of an appointment -- still dark. I have made a few changes since yesterday evening, to even out colors, etc., but I'm still waiting for inspiration. So far, I'm just not feeling it. I welcome any and all suggestions.
In happier news, I finally won a blog giveaway! Dee's Doodles was hosting the "Almost Peed My Pants" giveaway. Apparently her husband made her templates to make
this Jennifer Paganelli quilt, and he came up with a his own little name for it. She asked us to look at the quilt and guess what her husband named it. And I did! Hip, hip hooray, rah, rah, rah, and Sis Boom bah! Of course, I will show off my prize when it arrives.
And have you seen this?
(Wow! I didn't really think I'd be able to copy that!) Anyway, two creative quilt minds (Sarah Fielke/
The Last Piece) and Amy Lobsiger (
Mrs. Schmenkman Quilts) are pooling their considerable talents to run a dolly quilt program together. Just think -- monthly quilt patterns by Amy and Sarah! Go see the samples on either blog! You can sign up at
Sew and Sell. I will be signing up for all 12 months come payday.

Which reminds me that I do have a career other than being overly-critical of my own quilting efforts. Remember the trip to Bend for the conference when I still sick with the flu? You know, the trip where we went to Sisters and I bought the Kaffe Fassett fat quarters? Well, by the time we arrived in Bend late that Thursday afternoon, I decided that I was too sick to go to the board meeting, dinner, wine reception, etc. It was hotel and bed for me. The two colleagues/friends that I was traveling with thought that was a great idea, took me to the hotel, bought me medicine, and made sure I got right in bed. As I lay there all warm and comfy, I decided out loud that it would probably be a good idea for me to skip all sessions on Friday and just sleep all day, then just show up for the Saturday sessions. To make a long story somewhat shorter, my roommates seemed to go a little crazy and kept thinking up reasons for me to go to the conference the next day, particularly the luncheon. One of them was so aggressive about it that I think I actually snapped at her a little. I couldn't figure out why she wouldn't just let it drop and let me stay in bed and recover. Well, I woke up early and couldn't sleep, so I took a shower and went to the conference. AND -- I found out why they didn't want me to miss the luncheon. I was awarded Honors of the Association (heavy plaque and flowers) for excellence in clinical practice, leadership in the field, and contributions to the professional community. So I have forgiven my colleagues for being so annoying. They were surprisingly good at it.
Speaking of friends -- remember, Tobey, my colleague and "beginning" quilter who decided to make up some wonky log cabins Gee's Bend style? Well, she informed me recently that she decided to hand quilt it (wonky style, of course). I asked her if she knew how to hand quilt. No -- but she just made up her own way using needle nose pliers to hold the needle (as it is easier on her hands). She keeps thinking that I am going to be able to teach her about quilting, but I can't keep up with her!
With wishes, true and kind (and quilts that you fall in love with) -- Joan