Thursday, January 12, 2012


Last fall my sewing circle, The Sweet Hot Yams, was faced with two of us needing surgery.  (Of course, a third Yam decided to go in for emergency surgery -- but that's another story. )
So they put their creative minds together and planned to make two top secret quilts to provide love and comfort to their injured friends.
I was the first lucky quilt recipient,
but I was sworn to secrecy until another Yam got her quilt early this morning.
So, drumroll please -- here she is in all her glory.
I've been waiting for two looooooooooooooooooong months to be able to show her off:

Isn't it just beautiful!?!  I love this quilt so much!

Much love and many thanks to
The Sweet Hot Yams:
Elizabeth, Gabrien, HeatherIreneJen, Kristin, Mo, Monica, Sally, Shelley, Traci, and Violet.

Which Yam received a quilt this morning?
That's not my story to tell ;D

With wishes, true and kind -- Joan


  1. It's gorgeous! What a sweet gesture. Oh, those Yammies are the best.

  2. Gorgeous! I'm sure you took great comfort from their work. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. That is a beautiful quilt, and it's so nice to receive a quilt from friends, that is so nice you all did that!

  4. It's so pretty! What a great group!

  5. so sweet! it's so great to have a quilt made for you!

  6. Joan, it mis a beautiful quilt! Praying that all is well for you now my friend. Many blessings upon you.

  7. Beautiful.....and that Heather! She probably wanted a quilt of her own and that's why she had emergency surgery ;)

  8. Wow what a gorgeous quilt. Your group has got you pegged with that one. I adore the grey borders.

  9. Is there any pattern of this available? I would love to make this for a friend whose teenage daughter just died of cancer. :(
