New Amy Butler reinforcements arrived last week. I finished all of my wonky log cabin blocks (25 in all) and am currently working on adding the white sashing.

I also received some lovely Heather Bailey Fresh Cut.

Yesterday morning I went to the NW Quilting Expo in

I loved the colors in this one and the fact that it is very Gee's Bend-like:

Lovely appliqué:

This quilt looked like a painting or photograph. Amazing!

Inspired by Jane Sassaman:

This one was made from fabrics from Guatemala.

I like the blocks on this one:

I thought this was an interesting pattern, and reminds me of one I have tagged to do in the Fall/Winter 2009 Quilt Sample magazine: Out-of-the-box Argyle.

I have started working my way through block one of the Material Obsession/Sue Ross BOM. I haven’t done very much curved piecing, and not for a long time. I almost quit before I got started – in fact, I have almost quit several times. Curved piecing – you want me to do what??? But, with pins galore and careful machine sewing, so far so good. Breathe.

And Dear Readers, I can’t believe how many of you seemed to take Samantha’s side and only see her playfulness and cuteness. I can see I will get no sympathy from any of you. But if you send me your address, there are days when I just might pack her up and send her off to sleep on your fabric, play with your strips, and plop herself down in the middle of your cutting mat.