Yesterday was my 24th wedding anniversary, so my husband, Steve, and I enjoyed a pleasant, leisurely dinner out together. I’m glad that we still have so much to talk and laugh about together after so many years! The little needlepoint stand alone below is part of a set of handpainted canvases I bought several years ago. There is one tiny teapot for each month of the year, plus one for birthdays and about 6 for Christmas. Of course, I bought them all. I thought I should post this picture as it is the canvas for June (and works well to commemorate my anniversary as well). I worked hard and fast on these little canvases and got through October. Maybe I’ll get November and at least December done before those months roll around this year. The thimbles are to give you an idea of how small the stand alones are.

This morning I finally went and bought a camera! I had a really old digital (2.1 mega pixels) that took terrible pictures, and lately I’ve been borrowing my daughter’s Kodak. Now that I have a better camera, if my pictures don’t improve, I can’t blame it on the camera! And I can't wait to get it over to the coast tomorrow!
With new camera now in hand, I am posting new pictures of the half-hexagon quilt that thought it was finished, but then decided to go through yet another make over. Here it is on my dining room table. Oh well, you might as well see my makeshift sewing room as well.

And here is the quilt top on the deck. There’s nothing like a quilt in the sun! As usual, the grass needs cutting and yes, that is clover in the grass. Sigh.

My white cat, Sammy (Samantha) decided to redeem herself after frolicking through my half hexagons oh so many times by learning how to quilt. Actually I just thought she looked cute sleeping with an Amy Butler fabric pillow, but when I went to take the picture, she turned her head and decided to have a Fons and Porter pillow. I guess she wants to learn how to bind quilts for me.

Even though I am on vacation this week I had to run into work today to take a colleague out to lunch (as it was her last day) and drop off flowers for my boss (as her mother passed away recently and she comes back to work tomorrow). Yesterday I made this sweet little quilted “mat” (for lack of a better word) to go under the flowers. I was inspired by a couple of postings on Aneela’s blog, comfortstitching. One was when she salvaged a

Well, I’m off to the beach tomorrow morning, so you won’t hear from me for a few days, but be prepared for lots of pictures early next week. I think I just may go a little crazy!
With wishes, true and kind -- Joan